Transform Your Body

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Transform Your Body

Natural body transformation to its fittest and most balanced state is a wonderful thing. This is why, at Gorana, we always ask our clients to set their 10-year body goals. We ask them how they looked 10 years ago and how they want to look 10 years from now. This helps them chart a journey towards that goal.

Our mission at Gorana is to give you vital and valuable information that you can make use of, and change the way you look at wellness, fitness, and health. We want to help you achieve your health goals most safely and effectively.

Many of our clients reach out to us after struggling with ‘crash diets’ and ‘quick weight loss diets’ like protein shakes, keto or vegan diets, and more, without satisfactory results. What is often overlooked when following such social media popular diets is that getting fit needs to be approached holistically. Just like every individual is different, so are each of their body’s requirements. So, following such internet fads can be more harmful than you know.

This is why we design our Gorana Digestive Wellness Program according to each client’s body and health needs. Our program is sketched over 90 days with weekly modifications as per your body’s response. We are currently designing a 30 Day Wellness Program, as well.

These programs include eating the right food, regular effective yoga exercises, and detoxifying ayurvedic massages. A combined effect of all these holistic alternative therapies helps you transform your body in the best way, as you witness positive changes in yourself.

To make the program more personalized, we adjust the regimen based on your follow-up session, every seven days.

Inculcate These 6 Basic Lifestyle Changes For Healthier Living

At Gorana, we believe in a holistic journey towards healthy living. So, here are some small, natural, chemical, and extreme diet-free changes and steps you can take to live a fitter life.

  1. Drink 2 glasses of room temperature water as soon as you wake up in the morning
  2. Include at least 30-45 min of exercise in your morning routine
  3. Relax for 10 min after exercise
  4. Make sure to eat three healthy and balanced meals every day, without intermittent snacking. Maintain proper timings:
    • Breakfast 7-8 am,

    • Lunch 12-1 pm,

    • Dinner 5-6 pm

  5. Walk for 10 min after each meal
  6. Early to bed, early to rise is effective. So, go to bed with the sun, and rise with the sun.

It’s time for you to decide to take charge of your fitness journey, with Gorana’s Program.